Welcome to the membership page – the place to find out how to join, or renew your membership of EMLRA.
Full members pay a subscription, Associates (normally up to two in the same family) are free of charge, are very welcome and get their own membership card. There is no extra joining charge for new members.
There are two membership options:
- One year membership with Newsletter as a hard copy in printed form posted out to you and also available to download from our website - £22.50
- One year membership with Newsletter available to download from our website - £17.50
Because of high postal costs, members outside UK can only normally have the Newsletter download option, but we are for the time being willing to oblige those who especially want the printed newsletter if they are happy to pay the additional overseas postage. If you want to do this contact the Membership Officer.
Payment may be made in several ways. We accept cheques, postal orders, bank transfer, standing orders and Paypal.
Please don't send cash, and if you do it is at your own risk. Membership applications and payments may be taken at some shows; make sure you get a signed receipt! Payments can only be accepted in Pounds Sterling. If this causes you a problem please contact us and we will try to find another way.
We aim to sign up everyone that applies within 14 days. However, due to the UK holiday and show season and the voluntary nature of our Committee there may be some delay in acknowledging new members and enquiries when most of us are mobilised at the many shows during that period and are busy with arrangements and organisation. Please be patient if your application doesn't get an immediate acknowledgement.
If you're an existing member please put in your membership number in any correspondence, it's a great help in identifying your record.
Data Protection Statement
We comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations. The details you supply will be stored securely on paper records and protected computer files. Personal information about you kept by us is limited to what you voluntarily give us on the application form and any details necessary for processing membership subscriptions. It is used only for club internal purposes and anonymously for vehicle research purposes; we will not pass on your personal details to anyone else.
We will not publish your full address but your name, town, county and country of residence may be published in the club newsletter along with information about the type of vehicle/s you own. If you do not want your phone number, or any other detail to be published, please place a clear note in your application when you complete the form.
You have the right to know what data we hold about you and full details can be obtained by contacting our Data Protection Officer. We will delete your personal information when you leave. Anybody misusing the information or using it for other purposes will be removed from the club.